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For over a decade, our Configurator has been one of the most popular and versatile planning tools for solar systems. 

It enables you to make professional plans and accurate calculations for your roof installations—and, best of all, it’s completely free. 

The Schletter Configurator 3.0 is our best version yet, as it’s fully optimized and adjusted to your specific needs. It calculates faster, looks and feels better, and even allows you to plan several roof systems simultaneously.

A laptop displaying a satellite map with various colored overlays. The screen shows software with a configuration window. An SC3 logo is overlaid on the left side of the image.
Professional solar planning in the highest quality for pitched and flat roofs

World's most comprehensive load determination database

Personalized settings allow individual saving and editing

Simplified roof design directly in Google Maps

Verifiable structural analysis and professional documentation

Manual editing and extending of bill of materials possible

Several different roofs possible in one plan

Intuitive quick guide through the program

Available in English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish and Polish


Plan directly in Google Maps.

  • Roof surfaces can be marked out and planned directly using the Google Maps interface.
  • Once the roof inclination has been input, the system calculates the exact size of the roof surface to be covered and, if required, suggests the optimum configuration depending on orientation.
Map interface showing a geographic region encompassing the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and surrounding areas. A location data form for "Germany" is visible over the map.


  • When the post code or name of the town is entered, the regional standard loads for wind and snow are automatically factored in.
  • This applies worldwide, as the Schletter Configurator incorporates the world’s most extensive load determination database.
A detailed interactive map showing terrain categories, load parameters, and various marked geographical locations. Tabs on the left side are labeled Project, Location, Terrain, and Load areas.


  • Several roofs and roof systems can be processed within one plan. This makes it much simpler, because the location parameters such as terrain category, relevant standard loads etc. only need to be detected by the system or input once.
  • It is therefore possible to configure different roof types with different mounting systems and orientations in one plan.
Aerial view of a building with solar panels, featuring a software interface overlay with project details on roof areas, highlighted sections, and input fields on the left.

Get started quickly or use the professional mode.

  • In fast configuration mode, the system suggests the configuration that is best, based on size, alignment, and structural loading.
  • In professional mode, users can select the individual parameters manually.
A software interface displaying a roof layout plan for solar panel installation. The grid is overlaid with labeled measurements and module placements in sections 1 through 3. Various settings are shown on the left.


  • It is also possible to export the plans as DXF files, which means that they can be linked to the standard planning programs used by architects, structural engineers, and planners.
  • The program generates a structural analysis and verifiable documentation for all plans it produces. The parts lists can be edited manually.
A screenshot of a software interface with checkboxes for options like mounting rack, modules, fasteners, numbering, and dimensioning. The bottom part displays a gridded diagram with a highlighted section.
Logo with a teal triangular shape and white letters "SC3" in the center, overlaying a larger yellow triangular shape in the background.



The Schletter Configurator is exclusively available for companies, tradesmen and craftsmen operating in the solar industry.

Login details are required to use the Schletter Configurator. For more infomation please have a look at our FAQ.

Schletter Solar GmbH

3.0 (incl. Google Maps)
2.0 (standard)

Please note: Schletter’s load determination is a service offered to help clients determine the wind and snow loads on solar panel systems. Even the highest-quality mounts for a solar energy system need to be monitored for severe weather. With a solar mounting system from Schletter, you get free access to accurate software providing real-time analyses of your solar mounting systems. These readings are based on the technical sets of rules respective to your target country. Schletter does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness of the results from your mounting systems reading.



Registration / Create an Account

To use the Schletter Configurator, you need a user account. If you already have one, simply log-in to start using the application. If not, you can follow these steps to create a user account: 

  1. Download the software from this website. Alternatively, you can simply copy the following URL and paste it into your web browser:– this will automatically download a file named “SCalc3.application” onto your computer.

  2. Simply click on the file to open it. The Schletter Configurator 3.0 will automatically be installed.

  3. You’ll see an authentication window pop up. Under the two buttons “Cancel” and “OK”, you should see a “Register” link. Click that and mark in all the fields pertaining to you on the registration form that appears.

  4. Fill in your chosen username and password.

  5. Agree to the privacy policy and hit “OK” to submit the entry. You’ll receive an email with an activation link. Hit the link in the email to activate your new account. Please note: You might have to check your spam folder for the verification email.

  6. Now, you can use the Schletter Configurator 3.0 by entering the username and password you just chose.

  7. If you’re using an internet proxy, you’ll have to inform the Configurator so it works properly. Simply click on the gear symbol in the authentication window and enter the requested data on the dialog window that pops up.
Network Requirements

For the Schletter Configurator 3.0 to work optimally, your firewalls and local virus scanners will need to recognize the following IP addresses and URLs: Port 80 TCP / /


Please note: The Schletter Configurator is only available for Windows-based systems. When using iOS/MAC, a Windows emulator is required to run the software such as Parallels.

Report Errors

If Schletter Configurator does not auto-generate an email due to a problem, please report this, or any other issues with the software to: or use our contact form.



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Triangle Mesh